Thursday, 15 November 2007

Volryon's Pendulum

Of the great historians of Dargenvale, none have been quite so accomplished as the astronomer-sorceress Lady Eliza Volryon. Before Dargenvale was even born, Lady Volryon had already devised the Volryonesque Calender based on the alignments of the stars, and subsequent events just seemed to slide effortlessly to fit into its mould. Till today there is no substitute or alternative for the Volryonesque Calender; such was the faith that people had in its accuracy. Well it was either that, or the buggers were just too darn lazy to figure out another one.

Centuries after her passing, there where whispers that Lady Volryon possessed a relic of immeasurable power: Volryon's Pendulum. With it, they say, one can bend and warp the time of Dargenvale at will. But of course that's just hearsay.

Or is it...

The Pendulum swings to:

Virtul 1832

The Diaries of Sir Robert: Vol I
The Diaries of Princess Juliana: Vol I

Atraie 1832
The Diaries of Sir Robert: Vol II
The Diaries of Princess Juliana: Vol II
The Diaries of Princess Juliana: Vol III
The Diaries of Sir Robert: Vol III
The Diaries of Princess Juliana: Vol IV
The Diaries of Sir Robert: Vol IV
The Diaries of Princess Juliana: Vol V
The Diaries of Princess Juliana: Vol VI
The Diaries of Sir Robert: Vol V
The Diaries of Sir Robert: Vol VI

Loares 1832
The Diaries of Princess Juliana: Vol VII
The Diaries of Princess Juliana: Vol VIII
The Diaries of Sir Robert: Vol VII